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BC Game Wins Crypto Casino Of The Year - Grab Your Piece of Cake $2000 Giveaway


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Well, I don't have a winning memory (Since I'm the worst gambler)

But I do have two better memories.

Before, I didn't have a job and the only thing I did was play with faucets, and the casino's faucets, it didn't give me much money and I had to invest a lot of time, but it was better than doing nothing.

Until I got a job at another casino as a moderator for a month, and then at BC.Game, and from there I tried to do my best since it was my only job. First, I was a moderator, then a community manager, and now I'm excited to say that in 2 days, I'll be Customer Support. And I still have a long way to go and many things to improve. The sky's the limit. ❤️

It's what has fed me for 2 years, and it's where I have met the nicest people in the world ❤️.

Despite everything I've lost thanks to Coco, I feel like I still owe BC.Game a lot. ❤️

... Oh and the other memory; Here is where I met my first love: Joe. The man with the biggest booty in the world. 



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2 hours ago, BCGame_POP said:

Year after year, we have been delivering it to our users and growing exponentially. With the best bonuses offered by anyone in the Crypto Gambling Ecosystem, we are proud to announce that we were awarded as the Best Crypto Casino at SIGMA Awards.


To celebrate this moment, we are doing a giveaway, where

  1. 3 users who shared best memorable moment will get 100$
  2. 100 users who comments first will get 7$ each ( must be a good memory with BCGAME and not random comment).
  3. 100 users will be picked randomly and given out 10$ each.

What do you need to do?
Share one best moment/experience from your journey with BC.GAME. The best moment need not be a big win. It can be something like;

  1. Finding a good friend
  2. Meeting your partner (maybe!!)
  3. Could be getting assigned a VIP Host.
  4. Or perhaps you won big for real, and that will undoubtedly be the best moment/memory.

We will pick 3 best stories shared from the replies to this event—additionally, the 100 users who shared their best moments with BC.GAME will get 7$ each after the event is over.

Extra : We heard your love. We are adding $1000 extra to the pool. Along with the 1000$, we will be giving out 10$ to 100 random users who share their best stories with BC.GAME.

Terms: Only one account per household is allowed to participate. Winners will be announced and the prizes will be given out after 72 hou

My best memory is when I didn't have a damn cent to my name during COVID and bc.game took care of me and my family for over a year...... I have no photos or anything but if it wasn't for coco and bc.game I wouldn't have made it....


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image.thumb.png.6c955e1d61594a2440e4d8449d4eeb2a.pngThe best memories of BC.GAME are the huge hits ive had on Baccarat, and being able to celebrate with the others in chat after they have won. Being able to share the good emotional times via chat with recent winners is my best memory!



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BC is not just a place to bet and try to win money, it is more than that, you feel very good with the community, you can spend all day chatting and having fun to the point of forgetting for a while that it is a casino. These are the real memories 😊

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My favorite memory is all the moments shared with friends during this time that I have been in my community chat (Spanish): Memories with my friends, whole afternoons and nights of laughing out loud with them, while I played my favorite games and waited looking forward to the rollhunts of my beloved mod s0urce. My dear mod... I have the most beautiful memory, so much love and dedication when it comes to preparing the challenges for us. Unfortunately for us but fortunately for him, he moved on to a better position. today is his last day with us in the chat, it is his last day as a moderator, we will miss him. I would like this thank you to be the best gift of your farewell, in representation of the Spanish community. No one ever cared so much about us thanks mod and thanks to all the bc.game team. ❤️

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The first day I entered the BC, I did not even know how to chat, but before I entered, a notification appeared to me, I clicked on it and it took me to a page that said something about repairing the site and a blue link below it. I clicked on it and got a BCD that I did not know exactly what it was worth. After trying the game, I saw 40 and realized that I could see their currency in dollars. And then I found out I won $ 40 and I was very happy

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Aside from my many huge multiplier wins, I have actually had the surprising pleasure to reconnect with one of my old high school friends! It’s been over 10 years since I have graduated and I haven’t had any contact with my friend, but after months of chatting through the in game chat, I began to notice very similar experiences as him. 

It was a very nice surprise when I realized a person I was friends with so long ago was also playing at the same platform as me! Since then, we’ve been in contact outside of BCgame and talk about how crazy of a coincidence it was to meet again through an online casino! 

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My favorite was winning 1000s of dollars with a .22 cents rain. I caught 1 xlm rain when they was .22 cents and ran it up to 4k and cashed 3k and played with the rest. Bcgame is by far the best online casino I've played on and they will always have me as a player/ companion.

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5 minutes ago, Bit555 said:

The first day I entered the BC, I did not even know how to chat, but before I entered, a notification appeared to me, I clicked on it and it took me to a page that said something about repairing the site and a blue link below it. I clicked on it and got a BCD that I did not know exactly what it was worth. After trying the game, I saw 40 and realized that I could see their currency in dollars. And then I found out I won $ 40 and I was very happy


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